My Manifesto for Being Amazing at Work

I love manifestos. I love the way they clearly and passionately articulate how things should or could be and provide guidance about how to get there. I was recently inspired by Maddie's  ICYMI: The Future Of Work Manifesto and Gretchen Rubin's series of manifestos, so I decided to write my own about something I spend... Continue Reading →

On failure and being a whole person

Failure is pain. It bruises our pride and our ego, and pokes holes in the image we have worked so hard to create... it disappoints. Failure shows that we are vulnerable and imperfect beings. No one likes to fail. In all honesty, I have failed miserably - and on more than one occasion. Failed projects, relationships,... Continue Reading →

What really matters at work

Working with great people. Coming up with great ideas. Working together on projects. Accomplishing big and small tasks, together. Solving problems. Learning new things. Helping others. Figuring sh*t out. Inspiring each other. Navigating obstacles. Contributing to a purpose outside of yourself. Making someone else's day brighter. Together, being better that we were yesterday. I think that sums it... Continue Reading →

Attitude Adjustment

I've never had much patience for people who are focused on the wrong things. People tend to "lose the plot" quite regularly and I had this happen to me again last week at work. All I want to do at work is accomplish amazing things, be super impactful, have fun, and get a lot done.  Is that too much to... Continue Reading →

Thought for Today

"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living." --Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


1| Let. It. Go. 2| Yes, I can. 3| The time is now. 4| Inhale love, exhale hate. 5| I am enough. I have enough. There is enough. 6| Quiet. Focus. Trust. 7| Breathe in peace, breathe out love. 8| Be true. Be kind. Be present. Breathe.

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